6-She Body Series
aisha abid hussain
Medium: collage and permanent ink on paper
Size:5x8'' each
Ref. No:AAH - 02
About The Artist
My work started from the blank white pages of a daily diary which records day to day short lived moments, pains and pleasures, claustrophobic images filled with text spreading like a contagious virus. As I believe that the personal is political, an emotional turmoil became a political phrase . The desire to meditate caused an image like a weave, a net or a moth making a cocoon with an ultimate patience. A drowsy pleasure that amused me while writing endless and intricate text lines, reminded me of another term ‘Frass’ which has been used to identify debris or excrements produced by insects. It is creepy but not offensive, disturbing but not repulsive. The works executed in liquid medium, reflects the obsessiveness with the process, a force to explode, a desire to break free from something tightly knotted. I recall a deep intense pain of a loss by the aged and pale paper, the sorrow one feels for the lost time and relationships. The heartbreaking ache for one’s own existence, the imbalance and crudeness of life constitute a mellow palette and mood in my practice. Another crucial aspect of my creative practice is the interest in working with an archival mode. Being a research based practicing artist I get fascinated by history whether it is personal or worldly. The thought of exploring hidden treasures of narrative yet to be told excites me while digging for ancient documents, scripts, photographs and text. I deeply value my training as a Miniature Painter and by utilising this sensibility, I move back and forth from traditional to contemporary medium in order to explore the undiscovered aspects of art making in the region to a broader level.