Golden Fruit

ankon mitra
Medium: Parchment leather, hand folded LED lights metal frame
Size:30"x 21"dia
Ref. No:ANK 303
Summer is here and so is the king of fruit. This is a tribute to all the mangoes from all over India - Totapuri, Dussehri, Banganpalli, Safeda, and of course the Alphonso. The mango is unparalleled in the sweetness and tanginess it brings into our lives, it makes delightful the hot and sweltering summer days with its presence, and our eyes light up when we savour mango in its numerous avatars. In the spirit of this celebration, I have chosen to light up the Mango from inside with its own golden glow. This is a work soaked in pure childhood joy, intricate in its geometric deciphering and analysis Originally developed virtually/geometrically by the young architect Piyusha in our studio, this work also demonstrates her love of Haaphoos (Marathi for Alphonso) from her native place Pune. Some works should only be created to please the heart.